What Does A Pickleball Look Like?

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Ever wondered what a pickleball actually looks like?

It may seem like a small detail, but understanding the physical characteristics and design elements of this little ball is crucial to the game of pickleball.

What Does A Pickleball Look Like?

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, knowing what to look for in a pickleball can make a huge difference in your gameplay.

In this article, we’ll dive into the world of pickleball balls and explore their various features, such as size, weight, color, surface texture, holes, and bounce.

So, keep reading below to learn everything you need to know about what a pickleball looks like and how it can impact your game on the court.

What Is The Anatomy Of A Pickleball?

As you can understand, a pickleball is a small but mighty ball that’s essential to the game of pickleball. 

So, while it may seem like a small detail, understanding what a pickleball looks like is crucial to your gameplay. Let’s break it down!

Size And Weight

A pickleball is similar in size to a baseball, but with a unique design. 

It typically weighs between 0.78-0.935 ounces (22-26.5 grams) and has a diameter of 2.87-2.97 inches (7.29-7.54 centimeters). 


Pickleballs are made of hard, durable plastic material, which is what gives them their unique bounce and feel.

The plastic used is tough and can withstand the wear and tear of the game.

Surface Texture

The surface texture of a pickleball is smooth, which allows the ball to glide across the court smoothly.

This smoothness makes it easier to control the ball and execute accurate shots. Plus, it feels pretty cool to the touch!

Hole Pattern

Now, here’s where it gets interesting – a pickleball has a unique hole pattern. 

A standard pickleball has 40 evenly spaced holes, which help to reduce wind resistance and provide a consistent bounce. 

The hole pattern is critical to the ball’s performance on the court, making it easier to aim and hit accurately.

Inflation and Bounce

Finally, inflation and bounce are essential to the overall performance of a pickleball.

The ideal pickleball should have a consistent and predictable bounce, allowing for accurate shots and smooth gameplay.

How Can A Pickleball Impact Your Game On The Court?

As an essential part of the sport, a pickleball can have a significant impact on your gameplay on the court and can even make or break your pickleball experience.

But how can it do it? Let’s have a look at it:


The bounce of a pickleball is essential to your gameplay, as it determines how accurately you can hit and control the ball.

A ball that’s too bouncy can be difficult to control, while a ball that doesn’t bounce enough can make it tough to get your shots off.

Therefore, and like we’ve already seen, having a well-inflated ball with a consistent and predictable bounce is crucial for accurate shots and smooth gameplay.


The speed of a pickleball can also impact your gameplay, especially if you’re playing outdoors as wind resistance can slow down a ball’s speed, making it more challenging to execute fast shots.

So, a ball with a streamlined design, such as the standard pickleball with 40 evenly spaced holes, can help reduce wind resistance and increase speed.


Finally, the durability of a pickleball is essential to your gameplay, as it determines how long the ball will last and how well it performs over time.

A ball made of hard, durable plastic material, like most pickleballs, can withstand the wear and tear of the game and maintain its performance over time.

What Are The Different Types Of Pickleball?

Of course, it’s not a one-size-fits-all with pickleballs, so let’s explore some different types of pickleballs and find the right one for you.

Indoor Pickleballs

If you’re playing pickleball indoors, you’ll want a ball with a softer, more delicate touch, which is what indoor pickleballs offer.

These pickleballs are usually made of lightweight plastic with smaller holes, which make them slower and more manageable for indoor play, while they also have a lower bounce than outdoor balls, making them easier to control.

What Does A Pickleball Look Like? (1)

Outdoor Pickleballs

Outdoor pickleballs, on the other hand, are designed for use on rough surfaces like concrete or asphalt.

They are heavier and have larger, evenly spaced holes to withstand the impact of outdoor play.

They also have a higher bounce, which can make them more challenging to control, especially in windy conditions.

Onix Pickleballs

Onix pickleballs have become increasingly popular in recent years, thanks to their superior performance and durability.

They are made of a specialized plastic material that is harder and more durable than other pickleballs and they have a unique, asymmetrical hole design that reduces wind resistance and increases speed.

Engage Pickleballs

Engage pickleballs are another high-performance option for pickleball players.

They are known for their soft feel, consistent bounce, and precise flight, making them a favorite among competitive players, and they are also designed with a durable, molded outer shell that can withstand the impact of intense play.

Which Pickleball Is Right For You?

The type of pickleball that’s right for you will clearly depend on where and how you’ll be playing.

If you’re playing indoors, you’ll want a ball with a softer touch and lower bounce, so an indoor pickleball is most probably it.

On the other hand, if you’re playing outdoors, you’ll need an outdoor pickleball that can withstand rough surfaces and higher wind resistance.

And if you’re looking for a high-performance ball, Onix or Engage pickleballs are certainly the best ones!

The Bottom Line

So, if you want to up your pickleball game or learn how to play and become the best player of them all, it’s worth understanding the ins and outs of these little balls.

Get out there, try a few different types, and find the one that feels best for you. Happy pickleballing!

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