What is DUPR In Pickleball?

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The DUPR stands for “Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating”. Basically, DUPR is the only worldwide and accurate system of rating pickleball players. All the players are rated according to a scale of 2 to 8 on the basis of their matches, irrespective of their gender, works, location, and specifically age.

These results are provided by the organization, users themselves, or the association of pickleball arrangements. No matter where you live, the results of your pickleball play are stored in the DUPR system.

DUPR in Pickleball

Who Can Have a DUPR?

For your kind information, dupr is open to every pickleball player. As we said above irrespective of the age, gender, or location of the players they can be rated in the dupr.

But the only thing which you need to get started is obviously a pickleball match.

Meanwhile, if you have ever played in a pickleball tournament then there are good possibilities of your existing DUPR ratings.

In this case, you have to profess your dupr account on their phone apps or their official website; mydupr.com.

However, if you want a more deliberate rating of your matches then you should have to play at least up to 10 matches.

And you should keep in mind that the dupr rating is totally free of cost. So, anyone can benefit from it to improve their pickleball journey.

Let’s Start With the DUPR App

Many beginner pickleball players find it difficult to have a DUPR account and accurate ratings of every match.

Therefore, keeping you in mind, we have broken the whole process into 5 digestible chunks. Having it in mind, now let us go through this easy-to-follow procedure.

  1. First is the downloading step. Search DUPR in the Google play store app and download it from there. However, you can also visit http://app.mydupr.com/signup and signup for a dupr account.
DUPR App Signup

  1. If you have downloaded the app, then you need to launch it and sign up. In between, you need at least up to 10 matches to have a DUPR rating.
  1. Now if you already have a player account on dupr, then you have to click on the “Claim your account” option. From there you can log into your account.

But if you don’t have any then you need to fill in your details to get a new dupr account.

  1. Search for your digital club by its name “Wichita” from the above menu of the app and select it.
  1. Choose an appropriate format and score. Also, you need to make sure your opponent is also on up. Then after entering a match, your opponent has to validate the scores. Consequently, your opponent will receive a notification to confirm the match results.


Dupr means Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating system. This app gives you accurate ratings of your pickleball matches globally without any consideration of your age and location. You can have a dupr account either by downloading the app or signing up at  http://app.mydupr.com/signup.

Meta description

In pickleball, DUPR means Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating system. It is used for the accurate ratings the pickleball players throughout the world on the basis of the Elo system.

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